What Should All Cannabis Labeling/Packaging Include?
As you know, cannabis manufacturing and distribution is a highly regulated industry that has strict guidelines that must be followed. While creativity can be applied to the appearance and styling of cannabis to appeal to its growing demographic, there are certain cannabis labeling guidelines that must be followed:
What to Include on Cannabis Labeling
- All information on the label has to be in a font style and size that is legible. To determine this, measure a lowercase letter “o” and ensure it is at least 1/16thof an inch tall.
- The word cannabis must be included on all labels so that it is clear what is in the product.
- The contact information, including the name and phone number or email address, of the licensee that dispensed or produced the finished product has to be on the packaging so that customers can reach someone with inquiries or complaints.
- The net quantity of the cannabis must be stated in both metric and US customary units. This should be shown as a weight if the product is viscous, solid, or semi-solid, and it should be displayed as a fluid measure if a liquid.
- For products containing more than just cannabis, a full ingredients list must be shown, in order of predominance.
- The license number of the manufacturer/cultivator and the product lot or batch code must be present so the product can be tracked.
- For cannabis products meant for oral consumption, all nutrition facts must be listed and any major food allergens must be disclosed.
- A detailed cannabis potency panel has to be included that states the percentage concentration of the THC and any other cannabinoids.
- The cannabis labeling needs to have the required statement that the company completed all of the mandatory contaminant testing.
- If the potency value of the cannabis is overone milligram of active THC per container or over 0.3% Effective THC, the label must include the universal symbol of cannabis.
- All cannabis labeling must contain specific warning statements, including those stating to keep the product away from kids and pets, that the product may be unlawful outside of the state, that it is only for people over the age of 21, and if the product is for medical use only. If not medical cannabis, it must have a warning about creating intoxicating effects and not to drive while under its influence.
- In Massachusetts, there are also two new regulated warning symbols that are required on all labels by the Cannabis Control Commission. They state: “Not Safe for Kids” and “Contains THC.”
- All cannabis must be in child-resistant packaging.
- If the product is liquid, it should include a single-dose dispensing apparatus.
- The packaging must be opaque.
What Is Prohibited in Cannabis Labeling/Packaging
- There are not allowed to be any statements that are misleading or untruthful, or any health claims.
- The packaging should not be designed to appeal to minors, which means no cartoon figures, pictures of minors, or images of other items that primarily appeal to people under the age of 21.
- Cannabis should not be designed to closely resemble any candy, snacks, beverages, or baked goods already on the market.
- The packaging must effectively prevent any contaminants from getting into the product.
Remember, this is simply a brief overview of the cannabis labeling guidelines. Always check with your local and state guidelines to ensure your product is compliant.
Clearly, there is a lot involved in your cannabis labeling, and if you leave even one thing off or make one error, you risk the consequences of noncompliance. At Royal Label, we have been specializing in creating labels for the pharmaceutical industry for over 50 years. We understand how complex the labeling process can be, and we know how vital it is to make sure every detail is included. With our guaranteed error-free printing process and our dedication to customer service, you won’t find a better company to print your cannabis labels. To learn more, contact us now.