Recreational Marijuana Legal in Massachusetts: ACloser Look Behind It
As of July 1, 2018, recreational marijuana was officially legal in Massachusetts. But just because it’s legal doesn’t mean there are droves of it for sale. In fact, quite the opposite. As part of the law that makes recreational marijuana legal, there are stringent testing requirements and label laws that must be followed—so marijuana distributors are hustling to get their product on shelves legally. Here is a closer look at the marijuana testing and label laws that must be followed before the drug can be legally sold in Massachusetts:
Marijuana Testing Requirements in MA
Channel 7 News Boston reports that before any recreational marijuana can be sold, it must be tested by a third-party, pre-approved lab to ensure the product is pure and it won’t make users sick. However, with so many dispensaries, home growers, and pot producers working to get their products on shelves, the limited number of approved labs are having a hard time keeping up.
How the Testing Process Works
One of the most widely used marijuana testing labs is MCR Labs. They explained that their job is to check the cannabis samples for any lead, mercury, pesticides, mold, salmonella, and E. coli, amongst others. To do this, they liquefy the marijuana in a specialized microwave and then put it through a variety of tests. Results take about three to five days to be clear, and if the pot does not come out clean, the entire batch is destroyed. At this point, nearly 20% of all samples received by MCR Labs fail. Once the marijuana is certified as pure, the label must show when and where it was tested.
MA Marijuana Label Laws
Once the testing is complete, the marijuana can officially be put on store shelves, but only after all of the strict label requirements are met. The marijuana label laws are extremely detailed, but here is a brief overview:
- The marijuana must be in a child-resistant package with the marking “KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN.”
- The label and packaging must not be designed to appeal to minors, which means any bright colors, cartoon characters, or common symbols for minors must be left off.
- If the packaging is intended to contain multiple servings, it must clearly state “INCLUDES MULTIPLE SERVINGS.”
- The label must be approved by the Commission before the product can be sold.
These marijuana label laws only scratch the surface of what marijuana retailers must include on their packaging. At Royal Label, we have been helping medical marijuana companies ensure label compliance for years, and we are well versed in all of the strict requirements for recreational marijuana as well. We have the technology and the expertise necessary to ensure that your label meets every detail, without errors, so you can always remain in compliance. To learn more about our marijuana labeling services, contact us now.